WHAT TO DO ABOUT URLS THAT ARE SPLIT ONTO TWO LINES IN AN E MAIL? As an example: say you receive an e mail that has the following url (web address) as part of the message. http://www.scorecard.org/community/index.tcl?zip_code=33067&set_commun ity_zipcode_cookie_p=t You see that the first line of the url is the color blue indicating that it is a hyper-link. A hyper-link is an active web page link that is imbedded into the e mail and when pressed, immediately takes you to the web page. However, some hyper-links are too long and are split onto two lines. Since the second line is not blue, that means the hyper-link has been broken and will not successfully open the web page. So, what to do? There are a couple of ways to deal with this situation: 1. You can press on the first line which will then open up the web page with an error message displayed; you then copy & past the second line on to the end of the url in the browser window and then press "enter". 2. Another way is to press the first line so as to open the website with the error, then just type in the second line onto the end of the url as displayed in the url window in the browser. 3. Another method that should work is to copy and paste both lines of the url into the browser url window and press "enter". EXAMPLE OF TWO LINE URL (hyper-link) OR, AS COMMONLY KNOWN, A WEB ADDRESS: http://www.scorecard.org/community/index.tcl?zip_code=33067&set_commun ity_zipcode_cookie_p=t For those who do not know how to "Copy and Paste", see: http://www.weatheranswer.com/public/COPYandPASTE.txt